The Collins Preserve hike is a one-mile stroll featuring two cascading brooks past some notably
large oaks and tulip trees. Other highlights include several old stone walls and two foundations
dating to the early 1800s. Roy Huse Collins was an archery enthusiast and created a course
throughout the preserve.
The Abe Temkin Preserve is a two-mile hike down into the Hale’s Brook ravine. The area is
notable for its flood plain forest of towering sycamores and other hardwood. In the 1990s the
state archaeologist identified the area as having a high likelihood for Native Americans’
historical inhabitance until the 1600s.
For both hikes, sneakers are ok, and children are welcome. Bring water and a snack. Heavy
rain cancels. Meet at the junction of Thompson Hill and Isinglass Hill Roads in north Portland.
RSVP John LeShane by Friday, July 14 th at 860-342-0658 or the Middlesex Land Trust office at