Come take a hike at the Kruger Preserve in Haddam Neck with MxLT stewards & The Meshomasic Hiking Club on Saturday, July 20th at 8:30 am. Wander through old fields and venture through a black birch groove, a wonderful brook, and a small stand of mountain laurel. Please bring good shoes, hiking poles for uneven ground, a snack, and water. 

We will meet at Kruger Preserve on Quarry Hill Road, Haddam Neck at 8:30 a.m. This hike will last about 2 hours.

Kids and leashed dogs are welcome. Bad weather cancels.

RSVPs are encouraged but not required. To RSVP, please contact the Land Trust office at 860-343-7537 or Jeff Nelson at 860-919-4229 in advance of the hike.